We list all of our listings on MLS which means you autmatically have thousands of new potential clients and hundreds of Realtors working for you!

GET $4000 back

    Sell your home with us for as little as $7995* and if you buy with us as well get up to 10% of the agent commissions back up to $4000!

100% SATISFied

**We want you to be satisfied, if not with-in 30 days of our services we will release you from any agreements you signed with me (some conditions apply)! 

SELL FOR $7995!

Sell your home for as little as $7995*.  We give you full MLS services, Professional Photographs, Open Houses & Much Much More!

Contact Us:
Main Phone
778 652-9870

Ron Learn (Real Estate Agent)
Phone: 778 808-4556
One Percent Realty (main office)
Phone: (604) 806-0900
505 Hamilton St #202 Vancouver, BC


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